Monday, February 27, 2012

week 8 Is she fair game?

I think that people who are famous, doesn't matter for what are fair game for photographers. If you are going to put yourself out there like that then i think that it is completely fine for people to take your photo. One thing that i dont agree on is the way that some people go about getting those photos. I dont like photographers who do things that are on the moral line and will do anything, even things that are illegal, to get the perfect picture.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Week 7 Photo Challenge

This photo was taken with a nikon d90. My lens was a 80-105. I used flash on camera to get the paparazzi look. I wanted it to look like i just captured a famous rich person who was caught off guard getting out of there expensive vehical. I liked this shoot i thought it was fun to try and get an interesting shot in this manner. I don't ever take pictures like this just quickly with flash on camera but i thought that it was an interesting way to take photos.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Photo challange painting with light

This photo was taken with a nikon d90. The lens i used was a 80 to 105. The way that i did this was i took a laser pointer and painted this plastic flower with it. I think that it was about a 30 second exposure. I think that this assignment was fun and i really enjoyed to see what you can do with light and a longer exposure. I plan on experimenting with this more and see where it takes me because i think that you could do alot of really cool things with this.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Week5 Race horses not unicorns

The business I am going into in fashion and portraiture photography. The work that I enjoy doing is more of an edgy vibe and I like the pinup/tattoo. I also like the artsy type of a vibe so those are the type of people that are going to be my target market. The thing that I like about living in Vegas is there is a big audience for that. I think that I could do well in that field here in Las Vegas. There are a lot of people who like things like that more in the downtown area. In my business I will be working alone and sometimes I will be using my friends to help me if it is a big job. I am also going to retouch my own photos and having printing packages if that’s what the client wants. I do not really enjoy doing wedding and sports so I will be trying to stay away from that type of work. I will be mostly working just myself and I will be doing almost everything myself. I don’t mind working for long hours because it is just myself. The printing packages I will be offering to my clients will be extremely nice, because you can do multiple different things. You can print on canvas. You can get metal prints mounted. Or you can get you prints on aluminum. The standard prints will be pretty inexpensive. I will cater more to the offbeat individuals who are under 40. I think that most photographers want to do clean, beautiful, crisp, cookie cutter work. Since I don’t do that I think that I have an upper hand in the field because I am taking on the clients that are also artists and who have been forgotten about by the average photographer.

Who won the superbowl? Week 5 Extra Credit

Who won the Superbowl?

The Superbowl was pretty good this year. The giants won and really pulled a comeback after the halftime show. The main thing that I watch the Superbowl for is the commercials. The commercials were great this year. My favorite commercials were The Volkswagen commercial where they are showing the commercial and then they pan out into the cantina room in starwars, Then you see Darth Vader, it was a great commercial. Another one I really enjoyed was the ferris Bueller commercial it was comical because he was doing the same thing he always does by calling in sick to work. It was clever because they didn’t say Bueller they used his real name, brodrick. The last commercial that was my favorite was the dog weego, who was a rescue dog that would bring you a bud light every time you said here weego. I thought it was very clever and I also liked the fact that at the end of the commercial it said help rescue dogs. I liked the halftime show. The thing that I thought was interesting was the people that I was around were all complaining about the halftime show. I heard that there were too many dancers, that MIA and the other performers besides Madonna didn’t have enough time with the mic, and that there was just to much going on visually to enjoy her performance. I did some reading after the Superbowl last night about the MIA middle finger usage and the fact that she said S*#^ on tv. I also read about how NBC apologized to their viewers and said "There was a failure in NBC's delay system," spokesman Brian McCarthy said in a statement.( Quote from

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Four Photo websites Week 4

When you first go to her website i didn't like it, i thought it was mediocre and unprofessional, but when i actually got to her website i actually really liked it. I was shocked that her work was as good as it was because i didn't like her entry to the website. She does beautiful work and i really liked her full screen photos.
This website was very similar to the one above. I do like the layout but i thought that it was not as good as the other site. I don't like the blue bars that are on the outside of the photos. Another thing that i don't like is that some of her photos don't look like they are very good quality maybe she should upload bigger files so they are better quality.
I really like the layout of this site. It is fun and perfect for child photography. The one thing i dont like is the writing on the top of the site, and i hate the music. A lot of people who go to websites and immediately close out because of the music. It turns people off when they go to your website and hear music.
I cant stand this photography website. I think that it looks tacky and not professional at all. I cant stand the look of it. I don't like the font, i don't like the glow on the letters, and i hate the film strip on the top. I don't like the way he is displaying his photography, i think that it looks horrible when you click on the tabs to see his photography.

Photo Challange Week 4. Wedding

I shot this photo with a nikon d90. I wanted to shoot something simple but beautiful for the wedding challenge. One thing that i have relized with shooting weddings is that flowers and very important for weddings. I love the beautiful flower arrangements that people get for their weddings. I have shot a couple weddings before and they are diffrent than any other photography job you can get. They are extremely important and everything has to be perfect. The main thing is that you get everything the family and the couple want. You can not screw up because you can not recreate the wedding. You cant stage that stuff, the moments that happen between the bride and groom, the moment the mother of the bride is crying, and the moment that your crazy aunt rita dances with one of the groomsmen. The are so many things happening at weddings you have to keep your eye out for eveything and you have to be on top of your game.