Monday, February 6, 2012

Who won the superbowl? Week 5 Extra Credit

Who won the Superbowl?

The Superbowl was pretty good this year. The giants won and really pulled a comeback after the halftime show. The main thing that I watch the Superbowl for is the commercials. The commercials were great this year. My favorite commercials were The Volkswagen commercial where they are showing the commercial and then they pan out into the cantina room in starwars, Then you see Darth Vader, it was a great commercial. Another one I really enjoyed was the ferris Bueller commercial it was comical because he was doing the same thing he always does by calling in sick to work. It was clever because they didn’t say Bueller they used his real name, brodrick. The last commercial that was my favorite was the dog weego, who was a rescue dog that would bring you a bud light every time you said here weego. I thought it was very clever and I also liked the fact that at the end of the commercial it said help rescue dogs. I liked the halftime show. The thing that I thought was interesting was the people that I was around were all complaining about the halftime show. I heard that there were too many dancers, that MIA and the other performers besides Madonna didn’t have enough time with the mic, and that there was just to much going on visually to enjoy her performance. I did some reading after the Superbowl last night about the MIA middle finger usage and the fact that she said S*#^ on tv. I also read about how NBC apologized to their viewers and said "There was a failure in NBC's delay system," spokesman Brian McCarthy said in a statement.( Quote from

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